Dallas Securities Fraud Lawyer

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Dallas Securities Fraud Lawyer

Dallas Securities Fraud Defense Attorney

Securities fraud is a white collar crime involving deceptive or fraudulent conduct that induces investors to make stock purchase or sale decisions based on false information. Another type of securities fraud is insider trading, which involves a person using inside information about a company to make decisions about whether to buy or sell stock in that company before the information is made public.

Although the crime of securities fraud itself is relatively straightforward, it can be extremely complex in its execution and incredibly difficult to present plainly to a judge and jury in a court of law. Further, securities cases usually involve the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) — an agency with almost unlimited resources that you do not want to face alone.

Strong Representation For Serious Crimes in Dallas, TX

At Michael Uhl, P.C., we understand the complex nature of securities fraud and work diligently to defend your interests. Our ultimate goal is complete dismissal of the charges against you — and we work aggressively toward this goal by analyzing the evidence, tracking the money, interviewing witnesses and using forensic investigators to comb through the books.

There are many different types of securities fraud. We can defend you against them all, including:

  • Insider trading
  • Corporate fraud
  • Accountant fraud
  • Churning
  • Pump and dump
  • Short and distort
  • Short selling distortions
  • Ponzi schemes
Fight Back With A

Strong Defense

Call Michael Uhl, P.C. 214-237-0809

Removing The Complexities of Security Fraud

Our lawyers work hard to make securities fraud issues understandable to our clients — we partner together to break the case down into manageable segments so we can attack the prosecution’s case piece-by-piece.

In both federal and state court, we provide exceptional and nuanced defense services to individual and institutional investors. Some of the defenses we can mount on your behalf include:

  • Lack of intent or knowledge
  • Absence of fraud
  • Mistake or accident
  • Due diligence indicating a lack of fraud
  • Entrapment
  • No investor acted on the disclosed information

Call Us Now

For a strong, focused securities fraud defense, call the experienced Dallas, Texas, attorneys at Michael Uhl, P.C., at 214-237-0809, or contact us online.

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No matter the circumstances surrounding your case, whether you’re fighting fraud charges or a felony weapons violation, we will arm you with our experience and wealth of resources when building a strong defense. If you suspect that you are being investigated for a crime, or have already been indicted, contact an experienced Dallas criminal defense attorney today by dialing 214-237-0809 or fill out our contact form.