Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer

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Dallas Criminal Defense Lawyer

Dallas Criminal Defense Attorney

Being accused of a crime can be a daunting position in which to find yourself. Adding the levels of legal complexity that come with defending yourself can make you feel completely overwhelmed. Having a Dallas criminal defense lawyer on your side can alleviate some of the stress and bring clarity to an otherwise confusing situation.

A good defense attorney can make or break your case, which is why it is important to find one who not only has your back, but has the experience and know-how to support you efficiently and effectively.
With years of experience handling all types of criminal cases, we understand what it takes to thoroughly investigate a case, lay out all the facts and pursue a fair and just outcome. In many cases, our clients hope to avoid the media spotlight to protect their professional reputation.

At Michael Uhl, P.C., we safeguard our Dallas clients’ privacy. While some cases are resolved through litigation, some of our greatest success stories never make the headlines because we helped our client avoid the exposure of going to trial.

We Carry Out Our Own Thorough Investigations

Getting all the facts is one of the most important aspects of structuring a strong criminal defense. If you are being investigated or have been charged with a crime, we will review your case, gather evidence with the assistance of our vast network of resources and advise you toward the best course of action.

At Michael Uhl, P.C., we handle all state and federal criminal cases including, but not limited to:

You deserve proper representation from a law office that understands how to navigate the complexities of criminal law. A skilled defense attorney will make the most of your time and money by thoroughly evaluating every aspect of your case. They will interview and gather witnesses, prepare a compelling case on your behalf, and — most importantly — guide you every step of the way, ensuring that you understand what is and will happen throughout the course of your court proceedings. You have a right to understand every aspect of your case, and the team at Michael Uhl, P.C., will help you do just that.

We Ask the Right Questions

The goal of a defense attorney is to create reasonable doubt. To do so, we strive to examine new angles that prosecution may avoid. There are several different categories of questions that your defense attorney will ask the various witnesses that are involved in your case:

  • Direct examination. This is the part of the trial where both lawyers are allowed to ask witnesses questions that help paint a picture of what happened surrounding the crime. Questions that may be asked include the following:
    • “What was the defendant’s demeanor on the day this occurred?”
    • “Was the defendant exhibiting any signs of intoxication or drug influence?”
    • “What was the defendant wearing at that time?”
    • “What is your relationship with the defendant?”
    • “Is there any reason that you may be biased toward or against the defendant?”
  • Cross-examination. Cross-examination is when both lawyers attempt to reveal anything that may discredit the witness currently being questioned. This could involve questions regarding whether or not the witness was under the influence of anything at the time of the incident, reevaluating the witness’ timeline of events, and showing that the witness may not have had as clear a picture of what happened as they may have originally thought.
  • Leading questions. Leading questions are trickier to ask but can prove to be very effective. They focus on providing a potential answer to the question itself and can be helpful when attempting to trip a witness up or reveal hidden biases.One example of a leading question is: “Weren’t you angry with the victim at the time of the crime?” This targets the emotional state of the witness at the time of the incident and guides them toward a more favorable answer. Questions that are considered to be leading are generally not permitted during the direct examination stage of the trial but can be used wisely during the cross-examination portion.
  • Hypothetical questions. These questions can be used to reframe the situation. “What if the victim had tried to hit you first? Would you have hit back?” is an example of a hypothetical scenario created by a lawyer to show the greater character and instincts of the witness and/or the defendant if they are currently testifying.

It can be nerve-wracking to testify, so knowing you have someone asking the right questions can make all the difference. An effective image of what was happening around the time of the crime can poke holes in the prosecution’s case, which is why finding an experienced attorney to advocate on your behalf is the first step for you to take. The Michael Uhl, P.C., team believes in the value of having a knowledgeable lawyer advocating for you. Our seasoned legal team will invest in getting to know you, as well as every aspect of your case, striving toward an outcome you feel is worthy of the cost. Due to our commitment to clients, your first consultation is completely free.

If The Clock Is Ticking, Contact Our Dallas Criminal Attorneys To Take Action

Time is of the essence when you are being investigated or have been indicted. In many federal cases, government agencies may already be collecting evidence for their case. By working with our firm, we can take immediate action on your behalf. Although each case is unique, there are certain methods we frequently employ:

  • Providing protection and counsel during the government’s investigation
  • Carrying out our own investigations with the help of retired DEA, IRS, FBI, Secret Service or other former government personnel
  • Discreetly collecting evidence and testimony

No matter your situation, attorney Michael Uhl can answer your questions and begin crafting a defense strategy that is right for you. The government might be working hard to build a strong case against you, but our lawyers are prepared to present a robust defense on your behalf.


If you are facing a criminal charge, you may find yourself with more questions than answers. If you have been arrested, it is critical that you are aware of your rights, and an experienced attorney can help you take measures to protect your freedom.

At Michael Uhl, P.C., we routinely assist clients in the Dallas, Texas, area as they confront misdemeanor and felony criminal charges. What follows are some common questions that attorney Uhl receives in his initial consultations:

What is the Charge for a Defense Attorney in Texas?

The overall cost for a felony defense attorney in the state of Texas differs from case to case. Factors that tend to impact the price are the severity of the charges, the complexity of the case, and the experience level of the defense attorney. Michael Uhl, P.C., offers a free consultation to better evaluate your case.

What is the Difference Between a Criminal Lawyer and a Defense Attorney?

The term “criminal lawyer” applies to the broad spectrum of lawyers who focus on crime-related cases, other defenses, and prosecution. A defense attorney advocates for the defendant or the accused in criminal court proceedings. They will defend you and work to get the most optimal outcome possible by building a compelling case and handling the prosecution’s opposition on your behalf.

What Is the Mistake of Fact Defense in Texas?

In the state of Texas, an example of the Mistake of Fact defense could be the following: you are in a crowded space and go to retrieve your jacket, but you accidentally grab someone else’s that looks the same. This would be considered a reasonable mistake of fact defense.

When Should I Hire a Defense Attorney in Texas?

If you have been accused of a crime in the state of Texas, a local defense attorney can help. The right time to hire a defense attorney is the moment you have been accused of a crime. Hiring a Dallas criminal defense attorney enables you to be guided and protected from these common mistakes. Your attorney will also serve as a buffer between you and any law enforcement involved, offering you wise counsel every step of the way.

Should I speak to the police?

You should not speak to the police unless your attorney is present. If an officer is speaking to you after an arrest, they may be looking for you to provide an incriminating statement. In other words, they may not have enough evidence to hold you. By hiring an attorney, you can better protect your rights.

When should I consider a plea deal?

A plea deal, or plea bargain as it is sometimes called, is a deal that is brokered with the prosecution outside of court. Often, in exchange for a guilty plea, the prosecutor will offer a sentence that is reduced from what would happen at trial. The decision to take such a deal should not be made without the guidance of an experienced criminal defense attorney. A lawyer can advise you of what your best legal options may be, given your specific circumstances.

How does bail work?

Whether you are charged in state or federal court, bail may be set, which can allow you to be released on your own recognizance. If you or a family member are able to pay the full amount, you can get those funds back at the end of your case, provided you meet the necessary conditions. If you do not have access to the funds needed to meet bail, an attorney can refer you to a bail bondsman, who will post your bail in exchange for a fee.

How long will my case take?

The duration of your case can depend on a number of factors. A federal charge may go to court more quickly than a charge at the state level, due to the Speedy Trial Act. In any case, a criminal defense attorney can help you build a legal strategy that seeks to preserve your freedom. At Michael Uhl, P.C., we can assist you protecting your rights as you strive for a positive outcome to your case.

Contact Our Dallas Criminal Defense Firm To Start Building A Defense

You can reach our Dallas law office by dialing 214-237-0809 or by filling out our contact form. Whether you face criminal charges in state or federal court, our lawyers can evaluate your case during a free initial consultation. Everyone deserves an advocate, and the Michael Uhl, P.C., team is ready to back you with investigative experience and administrative know-how.

* Previous outcomes are no guarantee of future success

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No matter the circumstances surrounding your case, whether you’re fighting fraud charges or a felony weapons violation, we will arm you with our experience and wealth of resources when building a strong defense. If you suspect that you are being investigated for a crime, or have already been indicted, contact an experienced Dallas criminal defense attorney today by dialing 214-237-0809 or fill out our contact form.